A Caughley service painted for Chamberlain Worcester

A Caughley service painted for Chamberlain Worcester

It was Geoffrey Godden who discovered that Fidelle Duvivier worked for a short time at the Chamberlain factory in Worcester in 1792, and decorated most pieces of a Caughley porcelain tea and coffee service with scenes of children at work and play. It was a theme he had already used on New Hall porcelain (cf. Blogpost 17: Country togs, angelic faces –Duvivier’s children on New Hall – July/August, 2018, and image 6 below). Godden’s investigations into Chamberlain-decorated porcelain done in Worcester and the Chamberlains’ relationship with Thomas Turner’s Caughley factory in Shropshire, plus his own keen interest in Duvivier’s career and travels, led to new revelations concerning these historical establishments and actors – as well as important new evidence about the painter’s employment after 1790.